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Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Interview with Frank J. Niedermayer, WWII veteran. CCSU Veterans History Project
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Thanks, Target!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Saturday, December 10, 2011
E-Branding - 7 Mistakes to Avoid
I am always astounded when companies treat the Internet like one big TV commercial. Banner ad click-throughs are almost non-existent, yet ad-buying continues onward and upward, ignoring the cold hard facts, (click-through rates are so low that time spent on a site is now considered a unit of measurement).
Social networking, e-shopping, viral videos and mobile phone content are in, banner ads out. The Internet is a golden opportunity for marketers to create a 1:1 relationship, but all too often, getting that close to a customer is too scary for most. Time to think out of the box with your Web initiative. Here are just a few clues to get you to stop treating Web 2.0 like a television commercial and kick your Search Engine Optimization strategy into high gear. The following are mistakes to avoid:
Mistake 1: You're treating your online brand like a brick and mortar brand.
According to The Cluetrain Manifesto, markets are conversations and the Internet is one of the biggest, most fragmented conversations ever created. It's a broadcast arena, a storefront, a publisher, a support group, a social network and something else we've yet to discover. It's about physical borders disappearing in favor of common networks - people gathering together to talk and it is anything but passive.
If people are hanging out on the Internet doing their thing, how do you think marketing is viewed? Marketing to this giant conversation is viewed as a mechanical intrusion to be completely ignored. Doc Searls, in his preface to The Cluetrain Manifesto, points out that, "Markets are conversations; and conversation is fire. Therefore, Marketing is arson."
What marketers assume is that consumers can't see this fake conversation, and that is where the big disconnect is taking place. Consumers have formed a story about your brand that has nothing to do with the official corporate message. Time to wake up.
Brands that have been created exclusively for the Internet, get this. They know that the Web is about creating trust not banner ads. They have formed a relationship with an Internet-savvy customer that respects their individuality. People are not "consumers" in cyberspace - they are people.
Commerce in the Internet Marketplace is secondary to the Internet's main purpose: conversation. Today a brand must romance the digital native and give them what they want, when they want it and how they want it. It may take you months to develop a relationship before getting a sale.
Brands that started in the Brick and Mortar World are seen as the outsider - a buzz- kill attending the biggest party in the world. You just won't be accepted as a Web brand no matter how hard you try.
This is why Amazon is the leader on the Internet while Barnes & Noble is number 2. What if Amazon tried to build a store in every mall in America? They'd fail. An Internet brand can't compete against a real world brand anymore than a real world brand can compete with an Internet brand. The overhead alone would drive the Cyber company out of business.
Want to reach your online audience? Try hiring an Internet-savvy marketer. That's the first step to winning some credibility. Don't just look at the resume, ask her what was the most unusual way she reached her target and met her goals. The cyber- savvy is the one you hire.
Mistake 2: You have nothing more than an online brochure.
I was recently consulting with one of the largest consumer brands in the U.S. when their VP of Interactive Development asked me why their site wasn't getting any return visitors. I told them point blank that, although they had flash all over their site and it was well designed and had SEM software and support staff, they had nothing more than a very expensive brochure.
Look, Web 2.0 is about figuring out from your customers what they like, then give it to them, even if it doesn't appear to affect the bottom line. Figure out how to create that one-to-one relationship with them and your brand will be golden. Stay on your toes - today social networks and viral videos are hot, tomorrow, who knows?
But, here's the scary part of all this: You have to get rid of the wall between your brand and your customer - it's no longer a closed system. It's not about a bevy of corporate lawyers giving you a list of stuff to say on your FAQ section. It's about one human being forming a relationship with another group of human beings that just happen to be working for your brand. It's a chance to be a part of the online conversation and join in on what is being said about you. Scary yes, but rewarding.
When your people talk with customers, remove the shackles of corporate speak you have locked around their necks. Train them instead to be themselves. Remember, people can sense a lack of authenticity. If you aren't part of their online conversation, the real conversation, you are dead.
Mistake 3: Your content is old.
This one needs very little explanation. If you haven't updated your site's content, there is no reason for people to revisit. Do you think that might be the reason no one is coming back to that web site you built a year ago?
Take a page from your favorite Blogger. Some Web Log Authors give us new and fresh musings everyday, while others only once a month. Either way, be consistent, personal and in-depth. Give your audience something to sink their teeth into, otherwise forget it.
Try twittering. It allows you to send out mini content to a list of cell phone surfers and online supporters. Keep it short though, twitter is about one or two sentences. Steve Jobs twittered that he was nervous before a keynote address. The audience picked it up on their iphones and were more receptive when he came on stage. It also allows for a human connection to a very popular executive.
I wish more CEOs twittered. It would go a long way to building their company's brand and engender trust by their shareholders. The Information Age is about staying in touch.
Mistake 4: Your strategy is not bold enough.
Recently Burger King decided to take the Whopper off the menu. They did it half-heartedly by doing it at a few of their restaurants, and then filmed people's response. It did nothing to affect the bottom line. We yawn and life goes on.
But Starbucks, on the other hand, closed down all their stores all across the United States for an entire evening. Bold and decisive, Howard Schultz took a stand against mediocrity, closed every store and retrained every Starbucks employee on what coffee meant. The next day Starbucks opened to fanfare and a return to great customer service. People noticed and wrote about it in The New York Times.
Bold moves like that can only get bold results, and I predict Starbucks will have a 15% increase in revenue this quarter as a result of such action. It creates a buzz on the street. Try it sometime.
Mistake 5: You're not facing the truth about your Brand.
Dunkin' Donuts recently started to provide lattes on their menu. They've had flavored coffee for years, but the lattes were an attempt to compete with Starbucks, and with that one action, I could see just how much of a disconnect Dunkin' Donuts has with their customers.
You see, Dunkin' Donuts is an all-American brand that served a working nation for over half a century with delicious donuts. Coffee is necessary for their brand because coffee and donuts go together like hamburgers and French fries. But coffee is their secondary market, (sales may seem like coffee is their primary market, but tell that to the customer). Dunkin' Donuts may try, but they have very little in common with a high-end coffee chain that provides coffees from around the world.
Remember, your brand has a position in the customers' mind, and that position represents one thing and one thing only. Starbucks represents coffee. Dunkin' Donuts represents donuts. One is a white-collar brand and the other is a blue-collar brand. The customer for Starbucks wants to pay top dollar to feel as if they are getting the Italian coffee shop experience, while the Dunkin' Donuts customer is looking for value and speed. The consumer will NEVER see them as equals, because consumers NEVER change their minds about a brand. For Dunkin' Donuts to think they can compete with Starbucks is a lesson in futility. But try telling that to the board of directors.
Don't be afraid to listen to the online conversation about your brand. David Felton was so frustrated with his local Dunkin' Donuts that he built an online message board to complain about his local franchise. Complaints about other franchises started showing up on the site - so much so that 5,000 franchise owners were forced to respond and correct the mistakes...sometimes within hours. It made Dunkin' Donuts a better, stronger and customer-focused company. But somewhere in the executive suite, they didn't get it. Felton's Website was shut down after much harassment from Dunkin' Donuts. They paid Felton an undisclosed sum, but DD never seemed to understand what was happening. The market was telling them they weren't perfect. Instead of being the first company to listen to complaints and adjust accordingly, they chose to silence their customer - the lifeblood of their brand. They didn't like the message they were hearing and instead of listening, they ended the conversation.
Take a lesson for your own brand. Yes, it may not be what you want to hear, but at least it will be honest. After that, work on meeting and exceeding customers' needs.
Mistake 6: Are you focused too much on the Internet, traditional marketing or both?
Years ago, many a business needed nothing more than an online brochure. Today, the online store is so easy to build and maintain that not having a web presence is seen as a major red flag to a company's stability.
Many a mega-brand has an online store because it is a duel channel for sales. Best Buy is a good example of this. I love to browse their brick and mortar stores and grab some bargains. But their online brand is very important as well when I have no time to physically shop.
Maintaining a 1-800 number and a Web store at the same time can be hard. But if you want to do it right, then I suggest that you take a look at QVC, HSN, the above- mentioned Best Buy, B&H Photo and others too numerous to mention. Take a good look at how they promote one store against the other - some use a blend of catalogs and email promotions, while others rely on TV and Internet only. QVC and HSN promote their sites from their popular television shows. They drive traffic through a live broadcast, but it doesn't end with the program. The site continues to run the promotion for a limited time. Updated content and limited time offers will drive traffic and if the offering is a good one, it will create conversion, (browsers who buy).
On the other hand, maybe you are a restaurant and need to have a web presence. Try offering take-out orders through your website with an automatic discount for orders over . I've seen restaurants do 70% of their evening business through take-out. Some even have to shut down the restaurant so the kitchen can handle the online orders.
Try it. You may find a nice blend between your Web presence and your brick and mortar stores.
Mistake 7: You're too literal in your message.
Many years ago I attended the annual stockholders meeting for a company in which I was heavily invested. The executive team took several actions that irked me. These changes made me realize they would be going out of business. The first mistake they made was a name change. Someone believed that adding the word Digital to their brand would change the markets' perception of what they did, (They were an interactive design agency).
The second thing that irked me was they changed the company's tag line to "A Full-Service Interactive Agency that Forges 1:1 Relationships through Channel Marketing Partnerships with Strategic Players in the Online World." I felt like I was reading an article for a science magazine instead of a company whose job was to bring powerful experiences to the web-savvy visitor.
I dumped my stock as quickly as possible.
If your primary marketing message is attempting to convince shareholders how great you are in dry corporate-speak, you have a problem. Your message should be simple, on target to your consumer audience and, most importantly, stir the emotions.
When your marketing message sounds like a bank poster, time to rethink your marketing...quickly.
What will help most is that you begin to understand that the Web is not a passive media. People go online to do research for every product they buy. The research they get is not from a corporation telling them how great the product is, they are getting their insight from regular people who are using the product now. They're asking questions about how well your products work, and what isn't so great about your brand.
Try listening to your consumer by creating advocacy sites and real dialogue through social networking. Listen to the conversation and follow through with the changes. Or you can continue as usual - ignore the marketplace, market around the problem and hope the next version will fix itself. If your product stinks, no amount of marketing can fix it on the Web. Word gets around fast these days and the one thing Netizens are really into is telling the truth.
Listen to the conversation and change with it. By focusing on getting it right, your SEO strategy will become easier and more profitable. Jumping on a band wagon because everybody else is will teach you a lesson on how to waste money. Being strategic and listening to the market will help build a better relationship with your customers. Let me know how it works.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Whitmor 6054-268 Supreme Bakers Rack, Chrome and Wood
!±8± Whitmor 6054-268 Supreme Bakers Rack, Chrome and Wood
Give yourself a little more storage space in the kitchen and gain a handy food prep area along with it with this Baker's Rack with Cutting Board by Whitmor. Made of durable chrome-plated steel, this easy to clean kitchen rack features 2 full sized shelves with a small spice shelf on top and the 4 accessory hooks keep every day kitchen tools close at hand yet out of the way.Equipped with a removable wood cutting board, this storage area instantly becomes a cook's much need prep space. The easy, no tool assembly and snap together design will have you organizing, storing and preparing in no time at all. The shelves are adjustable to accommodate taller appliances and items and screw-in levelers are included to balance the shelving once proper spacing has been acheived.
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Friday, December 2, 2011
How-To Get Started With Organic Gardening
How-To Basics of getting started with Organic Gardening.
No matter whether you are an experienced organic gardener or you have simply decided that you would like to become more self-reliant by growing some of your own food, planting a garden requires planning. A properly planned and planted organic garden will naturally resist disease, deter pests, and be healthy and productive. With the spring planting season fast approaching, winter is the ideal time to get started.
Set Goals
What do you want to do with your plot of earth this season? Begin planning by setting goals. Grab your garden map, a pencil, your gardening guide, catalogs, and your thinking cap. List the areas of your yard and garden separately (i.e. lawn, vegetable patch, flower garden), and, keeping in mind the size and conditions of your site, brainstorm! Are you planning a garden for the first time? Do you want to expand your existing garden? Did you have pest or disease problems last year that you're hoping to prevent this year? What map? To create a map of your yard or garden, measure the dimensions of your site as a whole, and then the individual dimensions of your vegetable patch, flowerbeds, and lawn. It's easiest to draw your map to scale on a sheet of graph paper. These measurements will be necessary later, when you are determining how much of a plant or seeds to buy. Once the map is drawn, write in any information you know about soil characteristics, drainage, environmental conditions (sunny, shady, windy), and the names of trees and perennial plants that already exist. Your map will let you know exactly what you have to work with, and will give you a realistic idea of problems that need attention or features you'd like to change or add.
Gardening 101
It is important to understand the magnitude of your project before you begin. Getting the background information necessary to fulfill your goals may take an hour or a week, depending upon your level of experience and how involved you plan to get. Consulting your garden guidebook is a great way to begin - I suggest Warren Schultz's The Organic Suburbanite, The New Organic Grower by Eliot Coleman, Rodale's Chemical-Free Yard & Garden, or The Handy Garden Answer Book by Karen Troshynski-Thomas. You can also go to your local library and investigate their resources or contact your local garden club for their suggestions. As you research, write down how long each project will take, what tools you will need, and the approximate cost of everything you will need. This information will be invaluable when you make up your shopping list and schedule of activities. Scheduling and Organization. A schedule of activities lists what you hope to accomplish in what time frame. It will help keep you on track. It is important to be realistic about what you are capable of.
This is not a project that can be taken on alone in a week. Staggering your major tasks over time will make them easier to accomplish and save you the ultimate frustration of unfinished projects. Planning for the long term will aid in your organization. You can create a year-by-year schedule that maps out a time frame in which to achieve your big goals. Obviously, the schedule can change as time goes by, you learn new methods and you rethink your objectives, but maintaining focus on what you hope to create in the long term can keep you motivated on what you are doing now.
Tool Tutorial
You have a plan! You have knowledge! Do you have tools? Chances are you may be able to obtain most tools at your local lawn and garden store. Bring the list that you assembled in Gardening 101, and, if you are a seasoned gardener, assume that the same pests and plagues will be back that you dealt with last year and buy your supplies now. If you are new to the gardening scene, buy the basic tools that you will need, and then nose around the neighborhood and perhaps your local gardening club to see what is recommended for what you are planting and where you live.
Basic Tools:
Diggers - You will need a spading fork for aerating your soil and turning your compost pile. Look for a spading fork with rectangular, flat blades. A manure fork may also be compost-pile friendly when it comes to turning.
Weeders - Weeding tools include hoes and short-handled cultivating tools. Both are made in a variety of styles, and you will probably want more than one of each.
hoe types include:
Swan-neck hoe - The curved neck positions the cutting blade to skim just below the surface, making it ideal for light work around garden crops.
Oscillating hoe - Also called a scuffle hoe or hula, it has a hinged, double-edged blade that barely disturbs the soil surface, minimizing the number of new weeds brought to the surface.
Collinear hoe - Designed by Eliot Coleman, the narrow blade and angled handle are useful for cutting off small weeds with little soil disturbance.
Eye hoe - Also called a grub hoe, the heavy blade is for hard chopping at tough, overgrown weeds.
Standard short-handled cultivating tools:
Hand cultivator - A tined tool, useful for disturbing the soil surface around close planting to uproot young weeds. Dandelion weeder - Made for uprooting weeds with long taproots. Pavement weeder - A trowel for removing weeds in cracks of stone slab or brick walkways. Pruners - Pruning trees and shrubs promotes growth and good health, and pruning out diseased wood helps to control disease problems. Pruning tools come in varying sizes depending on your need. Choose a sharp, high quality pruning tool. Tillers - Tillers will also range in size, depending on the job. There are large, gaspowered tillers for breaking ground or big jobs, and small tillers that are lightweight and are useful for cultivating around perennials. Rent a few tillers to try them out before buying, as they do differ a great deal and can be expensive. Sowers - Wheeled seeding tools that have changeable interior disks for different seed sizes and spacings are available and very handy if you are planting large areas. Comfort tools - There is a plethora of comfort- oriented garden accessories available on the market today. Products range from gloves, to knee pads, to small, wheeled benches/carts. It is up to you to decide what will suit your needs, if you need any at all..
Starting From Seed
Starting your plants from seed will ensure that they are chemical free. Most transplants sold in garden centers have been treated with chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Seeds themselves bought at garden centers may be coated in fungicides, so be very careful about what you buy or buy from an organic seed supplier. To start plants from seed, you need sterile soil, sterile planting containers, and labels. It is better to grow each seedling in a separate container to avoid the damage incurred by ripping roots apart, and to make for a less shocking transplant. If you purchase soil mix, be sure that it is sterile to avoid spreading disease to your seedlings.
To make your own mix, use vermiculite (a mica-based mineral that has been heated to make it expand to many times its original size), perlite (volcanic ash that has been heated and 'popped'), and sphagnum (moss that has been collected while still alive, dried, and then finely ground). Add 1 tablespoon of lime for each 2 quarts of sphagnum that you use to counteract its acidity. Good recipes for soil mix are 1 part sphagnum and 1 part vermiculite, or 1 part each sphagnum, vermiculite and perlite. Seeds actually need heat, not light, to germinate. The heat from a grow light or sunny window may be enough for some, but placing the containers on top of a warm refrigerator or on a seed-starting heating pad may be necessary.
Keep your seeds moist by planting them in moist mix and covering them with plastic wrap. As soon as you see the first sign of life, remove the wrap and place them someplace where they will receive 8-10 hours of sunlight per day.
Water them care fully with a spray mister, careful not to knock the seedlings over or wash away the soil. Before you transplant your seedlings outdoors, they need to be acclimated to the different climate. Bring them outside and place them in a sheltered, somewhat shady spot for a few hours each day, gradually increasing their exposure to the elements over a week or two. Plants have a hardiness zone, an area based on the average annual low temperatures where a plant is most likely to withstand the region's annual low temperature The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has produced a map that breaks the U.S. into 11 zones. Growing plants that are outside your hardiness zone is not impossible, but they will need special attention. When deciding what to plant, consult a hardiness zone map to come up with plants that are most likely to thrive in your zone (see map).
Garden Design
Switching to chemical-free gardening will not only mean changing your gardening practices, but also your gardening design. Gardening in beds, as opposed to rows, provides for better weed, disease and pest management. Beds are also more attractive and easier to maintain. In a garden bed, everything is planted within arm's reach. The leaves of adjacent plants shade the soil, reducing weed growth. Diversity in a garden bed also has many advantages. A variety of plants in a mixed bed provide some natural pest protection by making it difficult for pests to find and eat their target plants, or helping to attract insects that are beneficial to your garden and prey on pest insects. It also reduces the chances that pests and disease organisms will build to epidemic levels, as they won't be able to hop from tasty host to tasty host, as they would if you had planted in rows. Your soil will also reap the benefits of your diverse planting techniques. A good example is planting nitrogen-gobbling corn with nitrogen-giving beans. Pairing up particular plants or planting in variety can help the soil maintain its nutrient balance, ensuring happier plants and a better crop yield. In fact, this technique even has a name - companion planting.
Companion Planting:
Much of the science of companion planting is figuring out what works for you. Many books can give you guidelines about what plants work well together. Some plants are attractants, some repellents, some can be inter-planted with your crops and flowers, and some compete too vigorously and should be planted in separate borders or hedgerows. For example, sunflowers are a good border plant, attracting lacewings and parasitic wasps; radishes are good to inter-plant because they repel the striped cucumber beetle; and marigolds are good to both use as a border and inter-plant, as they attract hover flies and repel root nematodes, Mexican bean beetles, aphids, and Colorado potato beetles. It can be confusing, and not all plants work well together. Your best bet is to start simple, determine what pests you encounter, and work from there, altering the plants in your garden bed as needed from year to year. Often, a mixture of flowers, vegetables and herbs work well together in a single bed.
For a good guide to the basics of companion planting, consult Rodale's Successful Organic Gardening: Companion Planting. Making your bed. Making your bed can be as simple as marking off 3-by-5-foot sections of garden with pathways left between them. However, to optimize the advantages of planting in garden beds, raise your beds. Raised beds provide lighter, deeper, more nutrient-rich, water absorbent soil. Raised beds, however, must be regarded as permanent in order to maintain their splendor. They cannot be walked on or broken down at the end of the season. You can build sides on your bed with bricks, rocks, or cedar 2-by-4 or 2-by-six planks to maintain the shape instead of raking and reshaping the bed every year.
Stay away from pressure-treated wood, as it is treated with wood preservatives that are harmful to you and the environment. How do you achieve raised beds? With double-digging, of course! (This is also known as hard work.)
Double-digging raised beds.
1. Dig out the top one-foot of soil along one end of the bed. Keep the soil in a wheelbarrow or on a groundcloth.
2. Loosen the exposed subsoil by thrusting in a spading fork and twisting its tines back and forth. For extra benefit, add a small amount of organic matter and work it in as you loosen that subsoil.
3. Once the subsoil is loosened, move over and begin removing the topsoil from the next strip of garden bed. This time, instead of keeping the topsoil that you are removing, shovel it over the subsoil to which you have just added the organic matter. You can add a little more organic matter to the topsoil as you shovel.
4. Repeat step 3.
5. When you have reached the last row of your garden bed, use the reserved topsoil to cover the last area of exposed subsoil.
6. Plant!
Compost is a great fertilizer and can aid in pest prevention. Compost is created when microorganisms, earthworms and nematodes consume and breakdown organic matter into simpler compounds. This process happens more quickly in an active compost pile because these microorganisms have the required heat, air and moisture, and a diverse supply of raw materials to digest. An active pile requires turning every week to add oxygen and keep the decomposition rate high; a passive pile is a pile of organic matter left to decay over time - usually in one to two years. Whichever method of composting you choose, the first step is making a compost pile. You can layer the materials in a heap, set up a heavy chicken wire frame (this works well for a passive pile), build wooden or concrete-block bins, or buy a commercially made bin to hold your pile.
Some commercial bins have built in rotating turners that will make your job much easier. The ideal size for an active compost pile is 4 feet by 4 feet, though size can vary. Choose a location that is shady and well drained for your pile. Clear away any surface cover at the site, loosen the soil with a spading fork, and put down a layer of wood chips or brush as a base. You can toss in garden or kitchen wastes, grass clippings, newspaper, manure, and sawdust. Avoid adding kitchen waste that is heavy in oil and meat products. Shredded materials make better compost more quickly. Try to alternate layers of plant material (chopped leaves or straw) with nitrogen-rich materials (kitchen scraps with manure and blood meal). Keep your pile moist, at a similar level to a squeezed-out sponge, and keep open piles covered with a tarp or heavy canvas so that they won't become waterlogged in the rain. If your pile becomes too dry, add water with kelp extract to moisten it and stimulate biotic activity.
Turn your active pile regularly, mixing and loosening the materials with a spading fork, to prevent overheating and keep microorganisms happy and active. Ideal active compost temperature should be within 140° to 150°, or at slightly higher temperatures if you are composting diseased plant material, around 160°. Your organic compost pile will yield rich humus that will be an ideal fertilizer to your garden. It will save you the money of buying commercial, synthetic fertilizers, many of which have shown to contain toxic waste. Healthy soil makes for hardy plants. Planning your garden can be the most important thing you do this growing season. With a solid plan in place and established
goals, you can minimize your pest problems and potential frustration, and maximize your growing season, and your garden's beauty. All this while saving on your grocery bill and increasing the quality of food you ingest by leaps and bounds. By planting an organic garden you will also be reducing your carbon footprint via producing some of your food (requiring no transportation or storage at the grocery store or packaging) thus contributing to our culture's sustainability in general. Check out Thrifty & Green for more articles on how you can save money and live green.
* Seeds of Change, 888-762-7333,
* Gardener's Supply Company, 128 Intervale Road, Burlington, VT 05401, 888-833-1412, (fax) 800-551-6712,
* Harmony Farm Supply and Nursery, 3244 Highway 116 North, Sebastopol, CA 95472, 707-823-9125,
* Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, P.O. Box 2209, Grass Valley, CA 95949, 888-784-1722,
* Gardeners Alive, 5100 Schenley Place, Lawrenceburg, IN 47025, 812-537-8650,
* Bradley, Fern M., ed. Chemical-Free Yard & Garden, Eamus: Rodale, 1991.
* Troshynski-Thomas, Karen, The Handy Garden Answer Book, Detroit: Visible Ink, 1999.
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Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Winsome Wood Table Drop Leaf Square Stool, Natural
!±8± Winsome Wood Table Drop Leaf Square Stool, Natural

Post Date : Nov 29, 2011 21:35:58 | Usually ships in 24 hours

- This Breakfast bar set is ideal for small dining areas.
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- Available in Round and Square
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Winsome Wood Table Drop Leaf Square Stool, Natural
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
How to Select the Proper Gift
The other day I clicked an ad for a really cool table top mixer. It was a major brand with top reviews and had every attachment you could think of. I thought, boy I just have to have this for my wife. The mixer flew into my checkout cart and I rushed to fill in my checkout information. Well shipping is a little high but that's because of the weight. I backed up a little and started to think, am I buying this gift because I like it or because my wife likes it?
Too many gifts people receive just lie around in the closet and collect dust. I think sometimes they may even be used for target practice. There are a few common practices to follow to create great gift ideas. First and foremost, try to get to know a little about the person you are buying for. If the person is a loved one or close friend, you have a head start, but you still need to use your noodle a little. Suppose you wanted to buy your wife a nice freestanding mixer, what else might you have to consider? How about what color? What color is the rest of her kitchen appliances, stove refrigerator ECT? Yes she will probably like the new mixer to match everything else. In some cases you might have to ask yourself, what is her favorite color? If you remember her telling you she hates the color red, what color would you exclude from your purchase? Product size/weight is also important. In the mixer case, does she have space to store a mixer and how much room is in that space? An accident waiting to happen is a 105 pound woman trying to put a 10 pound mixer on the upper shelves of a cabinet. Finally, have you had any sign that the person might want the gift you are purchasing? Has it ever been mentioned or commented on, or is the gift just something you like. Here are four simple rules to follow in your gift choice.
Don't guess- Know something about the person you are buying for.
Color- Color is important when buying a gift in everything from shoes to appliances.
Size or weight- How heavy is the gift? Is there room to store the gift? Will the gift fit?
Usability- Dose the person want or will the person use the gift?
Now perhaps you don't know someone very well. All is not lost. I am going to use a friend of a friend as the person we need to come up with gift ideas for. You can start out by talking to mutual friends or relatives and asking them for advice. You can ask about hobbies, likes and dislikes favorite color, favorite pastime, etc. In other words find out as much about the person as you can. In today's world, you can find out a lot in social media. Check out the social media sites or ask friends if this person uses these types of sites. Then look them up. Now apply the same principled you would for a loved one or close friend. Remember you are buying this gift for someone else. Just because you like the gift doesn't mean someone else will like it. Is the gift pleasing to the eye, hence color? Is the gift useable in regards to size or weight? The person must want to use the gift. Is this gift something the person would want, or just something you like? Follow these few simple principles and you will end up with a quality gift.
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Thursday, November 24, 2011
Some Facts About SPITZER D3 Golf or Hunting Laser Range Finder
Offering a maximum ranging of 800 m, SPITZER D3 Golf/Hunting Laser Range Finder is one of the most accurate and targeted laser range finder you can get today. With the help of this innovative product, you can enjoy the game by making your aims easier so that your confidence level will reflect in your game. Understanding the special environmental condition on the golf course, SPITZER has come up with a completely new invention that is capable of resisting water, dust and rain on the course while at play. The amazing weather and dust proof feature of this range finder has made this product one of the popular range finders available today. The new product from SPITZER is enhanced with Powerful 6X magnification that is capable of targeting the distance in just half a second rapidly. You can find the accurate and clear range displayed on its LCD screen immediately for aiming your target. This device is largely used for both golfing and hunting purposes due to the clear images that it offers. The Static and Dynamic Acquisition Mode of this range finder is just one of the many amazing features that its boasts of.
Along with its elegant and stylish appeal, the compact and lightweight construction has made it more comfortable and easy to handle. Since it is coated with a rubberized body, it will not easily slip off when in use. The Auto shot feature shuts down the power of the range finder automatically when not in use. You can change or adjust the measurement in yards or meters using the advanced mode button provided on it when you require finding the distance in yards or meters. You can also adjust the diopter and eyecup using the Eyecup and diopter adjustment ring on the range finder. There is a Laser receiver aperture and a laser emission aperture that helps in accurately targeting the range when required. It provides the actual display of the image with accurate distance digitally. You can aim your target when using it for hunting and then position your target with the help of the recticle of this range finder. You will also be notified with a low battery indication. You can store it in the free Rangefinder Storage Pouch provided with it.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Price Compost Bin Rotating Promotional Remington Razors Parts
Monday, November 21, 2011
Target Your Market - Get Your Website To Speak To Your Niche
Basically, a niche market is a very specific market within a group. A target audience within a target audience so to speak.
Let's say you sell running shoes. To niche that down, maybe you sell running shoes specifically for marathoners and triathletes. Or maybe you choose to have running shoes for people with foot problems like bunions or other charming foot abnormalities.
The trouble is people are putting up things like kitchen websites that are so generic, they speak to everyone therefore they speak to no one. They are so proud of themselves for publishing a functioning website, they've totally overlooked one of the single most important steps in creating any business. Finding that target market who will PAY, CALL, CLICK or JOIN and creating a site to cater to them.
What, pray tell, is going to lure me from to come to your generic puny, unknown pie-in-the-sky bookstore simply because you got your shopping cart to work? Give me a reason to come. Do you sell highly reviewed how-to books? Do you have the best business marketing books? Fantasy books? Rare books? Comic books? The general store is not going to compete. You will get lost in the big black wormhole of the internet also known as the limp and lame, solitary server for misplaced website owners.
It's one thing to say you have a niche but does your site know this?
Don't create a niche and then do really general advertising and create a mundane, generic, boiler-plate website. If you do, I'll send my highly targeted bloodhounds to hunt you down and hold your favorite pet hostage until you comply with the time-tested, proven track record, age-old target market positioning strategies.
Let's say you've chosen a niche. You have chosen to start a rare comic book site. And you have the merchandise. So far it's a vessel that holds niche merchandise. It's not a niche site until you fashion it as the ideal sales and marketing tool for this target market.
It has to speak to your target in both design and content. It needs to clearly state what you have, how this benefits your target and inspire the target to take action whatever you define that to be. This takes work and effort. If you were a salesman, how would you sell this site to your target.
You don't know your target until you can stand in their shoes and chew their freaking gum.
Are you familiar with their age and gender, other interests, their language and what's important to them? Do most of them have myspace websites? Do they like retro clothing? Are they introverts, extroverts or people hoping to be abducted by aliens? People who like comic books is not a definition of a target audience. It's a label. You need to REALLY know them if you want to build a foundation for internet success.
You need to do research to find out likes and dislikes and any number of personality traits that this group shares. That is the portion of the target audience who values this enough to pay for it. The dropout rate for creating a site that caters to a target market is high. People are just too lazy or too lost. And this is pretty much the place that separates the entrepreneurs from the rainbow chasers. So which one are you?
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Winsome Wood Linea Kitchen Cart
!±8±Winsome Wood Linea Kitchen Cart
Brand : WinsomeRate :

Price : $129.52
Post Date : Nov 21, 2011 02:08:40
Usually ships in 24 hours

The contemporary styling of our Linea line has been expanded to include an entertainment cart. The cart is 21.65L x 15.75"W x 35"H; it comes with locking wheels, brushed stainless handle, one drawer and two shelves. The solid wood construction is finished in our rich espresso matte color.